Clothes - It depends!! Generally speaking, simple and classic is best. Photos should emphasize personalities, and while it's fun to add your personal flair, the clothes should not be the main focus. Stick with your natural style, otherwise you may not feel the photos are authentic to you.
The type of images you are going for and the location have a big bearing on what to wear. If you are going for glam, getting dressed up is great, but generally speaking we recommend smart casual for most shoots. DO wear clothes that are attractive and flattering. Form fitting is typically better because baggy clothes can make you look bigger. Layering is great, and contrasting textures are great too. Think about a cami with a blazer, or leather pants with a silk top.
Also keep in mind that in a session with multiple people, the person wearing the lightest color will stand out the most. Try to choose a color family (for example earth tones, blues, browns, etc). DO NOT wear white, unless there's a specific reason to (check with your photographer!!). DO choose solid colors and avoid stripes, plaids, large patterns and clothing with logos unless you are very confident in styling (and again, run it by your photographer). Stay away from matchy-matchy outfits and everyone wearing the same color, unless it's part of a kitschy look you are going for. Coordinating outfits is a good idea though. It can be helpful to start one outfit you love, and then plan everyone else's clothes around that. For example, if you have a dress you love, put it next to a few options for the other members of your family and mix and match until the combos look best!
Backgrounds & Location - this is a critical part of your session. When thinking about locations, first decide on the type of session - do you like a lifestyle, home-based look, or would you prefer an outdoor location or studio? Photos in your home and yard can capture portraits as well as artful photos of you in some of your favorite everyday activities. If you prefer an outdoor session, simple backgrounds with open areas where there is just sky, grass, beach, hedges, etc are best. Locations should avoid distracting objects in the background like cars, fences, signs and trash cans. A beautiful sunset or a scenic view isn't necessary, and in fact can make things more complicated than they need to be.
Hair & Makeup & Nails - we encourage you to be you, at your best. If you generally wear makeup, it’s a good idea to wear slightly more than you usually would, particularly some powder/foundation. Some clients choose to have their makeup and/or hair professionally done before their session, and we can arrange that. A little extra hair product can also be useful, especially in case of humidity and wind. Be mindful of how the makeup works with your clothes – for example, if your clothes are mostly casual, natural looking makeup is recommended. You can go a little more glam if your clothes are fancier too. Don't neglect your nails as your hands will be photographed!
Now what? Think in advance about what you may want to do with your photos. Branding photography is used in many places - from social media, to websites, to newsletters, thought leadership, and more. For family photos, it's great to share our memories via social media, texts and emails, but those are quickly forgotten as we scroll, scroll, scroll. A great holiday card is nice, but photos that capture your family's love and your children's personalities can bring you lasting joy when presented and displayed beautifully. Emotion-filled, gorgeous photographs deserve to be lingered over. Beautiful wall art will enhance your decor and make you smile as you walk through your home, and custom-designed, high quality albums will be treasured for generations.
Special tip for family shoots: make it fun! Try to make the experience fun and playful. When your kids see you are in a good, lighthearted mood, and aren't too stressed about a "perfect" photo, you'll likely get better moods from them! Kids in good moods = better photos! Make sure everyone (including adults) are well rested and fed prior to the session, and don't plan any big activities before the photo session.
P.S. A photo session with Studio SLB means we will give you personal guidance through all of this. We will answer all your questions and make sure you are fully prepared, so that you get to relax and enjoy your shoot!